Welcome to
LCDRepairGuide.com! This is the first Plasma TV "Collection of Plasma Television Repair
Tips" Vol.1 ebook. It also call as PV1 (Plasma Vol-1). The guide is easy to use and straight to the point
to let you learn and solve your Plasma TV problems. As usual, the Collection of Plasma TV Repair Tips
Vol.1 guide included Plasma TV repair tips. NOT only that, it also cover 7 main sections
on Plasma TV. They are:
1) Power Supply Board (some call it as SMPS Board or P
2) Main board (in Panasonic Plasma Module, it is call it as A
3) Y-SUS Board (Y Main [Samsung] or SC Board
4) Y-Drive Board/s Top & Bottom (SU & SD
5) Z-SUS Board (in LG Plasma Module. For Samsung Module it is call X Main
or SS Board for Panasonic Plasma Module)
6) CTRL Board (for LG) [Control Board or Logic
7) X Buffers Board (Address Board) [Included their TCP or COF
Actually the Plasma TV is
hard to repair and lots of the TV repairer will not accept to repair this type of TV or just can doing some
basic testing on their discreet components only. The reasons for Plasma TV hard to repair are
1) Most of the service manuals are not included their
Plasma Module/Panel information in it. Normally just have their Main Board information only, included the schematic
diagram. Inside the PV1 ebook will let you know which brands of Plasma TV their service manual has Plasma Module
information in it, included their schematic diagram. I think lots of the TV repairer will confuse what's the
"Plasma Module" is? Yes it is included inside this ebook.
2) Another confuse things is the PCBs name in the
Plasma TV. Different brands Plasma TV Module manufacturer will have their own name and sometime, the PCB name is
same but that's the different thing or PCB board! So we must know their manufacturer Plasma Module PCBs name and
function too.
3) We also need to know
how the Plasma TV works and their structures before we starting to troubleshoot it. That’s the important thing we
need to know, if not, you will don’t know where to start to troubleshoot or repair it. Because most of the TV
repairer just can troubleshoot & repair their PSU board only. But inside the Plasma TV power supply, it is
included a Sub Micon IC (sub Microcontroller IC), it is working as a “Power Management” control IC.
4) The important of
Plasma TV power supply Self Test Method. To speed up the troubleshooting & repairing the Plasma TV, you must
know how to isolate the Plasma TV problem. For example, Plasma TV cannot start-up. Only has the Red power LED light
only. So we need to know how to do the PSU board Self Test method first. If the PSU Self Test result is the PSU
board can start-up and output all the voltages, that’s mean the PSU board is ok and the problem was in Main board
or other boards. And continue to using other method to isolate the problem till to find out which board or
components causing the problem.
5) The important of
Plasma TV Panel/Module Self Test Method. This method is to use when the Plasma Tv is occur the abnormal display
problem on the screen. So we can use this method to isolate the problem is in Main Board or their Module PCBs.
6) We also need to know
the meaning of the Plasma TV power LED light blinks. Especially the Panasonic Plasma TV. It is famous of their SOS
Detect system or calls it as Power LED light Error Blinks Code. These error codes have their own meaning and the
solution for repairer to check the Plasma Tv. So all these Power LED light Blinking Codes solution are inside this
PV1 ebook.
From your information, the Plasma TV repair can earn more profit than LCD & LED TV. But it is hard to repair
the Plasma TV, unless you know how to troubleshooting & repairing it. So in this PV1 ebook, I had provided even
greater repair information in it, especially the Bonus-B section has added more Plasma TV training information
Here is the example Contents inside this PV1
Components Name in Plasma TV
What is Plasma Module?
The Plasma Modules
Single & Dual Scan Plasma Module/Panel
Plasma Module PCBs Terminology/Name Chart
Plasma Module PCB Boards and Function Description
Plasma Module PCBs Location & Structure
LG Plasma TV
LG Plasma Module
Power Start-Up Sequence for LG Plasma TV
LG Plasma TV Power Supply (PSU) Self Test Method
How to Self Test LG Plasma TV PSU Board
Making the Light Bulbs Tool
Various LG Plasma TV Power Supplies
LG Old Models PDP PSU Board Self Test Method
LG Plasma Panel /Module Self Test Method
Various LG Plasma Panel Self Test Method
How to Testing Plasma TV PCB Board & Their Components
DC Voltage & Waveform Adjustment
VA & VS Adjustment
PSU Board Voltages & Diode Check
How to Check & Test Y-SUS Board
LG 50PJ350 Y-SUS Test Points Voltages
VSC & -Vy Adjustment
Y-Drive Signal Overview
Locking on to the Y-Drive Waveform Tip
Observing the Y-Drive signal for SetUp Adjustment
SetUp and Set Down Adjustment
Y-SUS Board Troubleshooting Vscan
Other Connectors Voltages & Diode Check Values in
Y-SUS Board
How to Check Y-SUS FETs
Y-SUS Board with IPM Module
How to Testing IPM Module
And much more! Click here "Plasma TV Repair Tips" for more Contents
Sometimes, when I’m stuck in repair
the Plasma TV, I always refer back to this PV1 ebooks to find some idea or tips to repair
that Plasma TV. So it is a good sources for Plasma TV repair and it helps to me and
Not only that, this PV1- Collection of Plasma TV Repair Tips ebook included 2 bonuses: Bonus-A and
Bonus-B. The Bonus-A is included of 9 x LG Plasma TV Module valuable Interconnect
Diagrams and this bonuses are hard to get it or not found anywhere
BONUS-A: (Inside the E-book)
These Interconnect Diagrams provides the
good testing voltages and waveform. It also has the TV on standby and loading/running voltages. So that you can
compare with it and found which section, lines or components are defective or damage. And you can apply this
experience to other brands of Plasma TV too!
BONUS-B:(External link to a Download Page)
A) Various Brands of Plasma TV PSU Board Schematic Diagram
B) LG Plasma TV & Module Training
C) Panasonic Plasma TV & Module Training
D) Samsung Plasma TV & Module Training
E) and surprise bonus there...
Let us go to learn the mystery
of Plasma TV repair and then breakthrough your skills to the next level now!
Here's a preview of some pages from the PV1- Plasma TV Repair Tips ebook!

Details: E-book
Format: PDF file
Pages: 346
pages (with Bonus-A contents) + Bonus-B (total over
500 pages & 270MB files size!)
Language: English
Bonus: Included Email Support
& 2 Bonuses section of Plasma TV repairing information!
Compatible with: PC, Laptop &
MAC Computer
Price: $17.95!!
$37.95 USD (Original
price $59.95 USD)
All of these great repair
information, you just pay for $37.95 USD only! Yes,
just $37.95 USD only and it may solved your Plasma TV problem!
For your information,
the e-book price will be change back to normal price
as $49.95 USD or $59.95 or higher without prior notice!
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Limited Time Special

worry! Take up to eight weeks to examine and use the information, tips and techniques in "PV1-Collection
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Thanks for
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** For
LED/LCD TV repair, click their vol number here (V4.0, V3.0, V2.0, V1.01). All Volumes of LED LCD TV Repair
Tips Ebooks have totally different contents and cases. So don't worry about the repairing information inside the
ebooks. Enjoy repair!